Millennials vs. The Silver Tsunami

Jason Simpkins

Posted February 12, 2024

A recent study by the Urban Institute shed some light on how prepared each generation is for retirement… 

And millennials are lagging.

About 38% of early millennials will have “inadequate” retirement income at age 70, the study found, compared to 28% to 30% of early baby boomers and 35% of Gen X.

Additionally, a separate study by the Center for Retirement Research said Millennials are “well behind” on total wealth accumulation.

In that respect, millennials aged 34 to 38 have a net-wealth-to-income ratio of just 70% — significantly lower than the 110% for Gen X and 82% boomers had when they were the same age.

Of course, that’s not to say the older generations have it made.

Vanguard recently found that high-income boomers are on track to replace just 69% of their pre-retirement income in the best-case scenario and 54% in the worst-case case.

This comes at a time when more Americans are poised to turn 65 through 2027 than at any time in history. 

More than 11,200 Americans will turn 65 every day — or over 4.1 million every year — from 2024 through 2027, creating a vast retirement wave.

But are they truly ready?

The Social Security program lacks funding to the tune of $23 trillion.  

Pensions are coming up short, too, as they’re saddled with $8 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

That just leaves retirement funds like 401(k)s and IRAs — but those won’t be of much help either if the market fails to pull its weight.

That’s why investors need to build a wealth and retirement fortress that a corrupt, desperate government can’t touch. 

And there’s one guy in particular who can help you do that.

I’m talking about none other than Brian Hicks — the founder of Angel Investment Research and the brand-new R.I.C.H. Report.

Brian isn’t just my boss; he’s a thought leader, mentor, and investment guru of the highest order. 

He’s independently wealthy and a testament to the kind of success that can only be drawn from true self-reliance. 

It’s not an accident that Brian got where he is, and it’s not some fluke that he’ll stay there. 

But the truly great thing about Brian is that he’s always willing to share. He’s always open for discussion. And he always has remarkable ideas. 

Of course, you don’t have to take my word for it. You can see for yourself right here — in Brian’s just-released e-book, which you can access for FREE.

That’s right, he’s giving it away — everything you need to know about the coming “Retirement Reset,” how to preserve your wealth and grow your money, and how to protect yourself and your family…

It’s all right here in a handy, condensed format.

So if you want to ensure that your retirement is anything more than a pipe dream, do yourself a favor and check it out.

Fight on,

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Jason Simpkins


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